Why Steudel and Mann LLC
We realize that there are many providers of business and quality management training and consulting services. Here are several reasons why Steudel and Mann LLC is the smart choice for your organization:

  1. The success rate of our clients in achieving ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and other management system registration on their first attempt is excellent.

  2. Our clients consistently state that the management systems we helped implement are value-adding and self-sustaining.

  3. Our project leaders are RAB-certified lead auditors or ASQ Certified Quality Auditors, and all our consultants have experience in auditing, implementing, and managing quality/environmental systems.

  4. ASQ (American Society for Quality) has selected us to present seminars to its members on how to achieve continuous improvement from your quality management system.

  5. We were selected by the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) Trade Association to present our seminars and products on ISO 9000 to their membership of over 1,300 companies. SEMI selected us for our cost-efficient and standardized approach for implementing ISO 9000 in small and medium-sized companies.

  6. The Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, D.C., INTEC-Chile, and other international economic development agencies have chosen us for our ISO 9000 approach, and promotes the presentation of our seminars in Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Russia, Canada, and Costa Rica.

  7. Our quality manuals and other products are frequently recommended by leading registrars and other organizations such as the Tooling and Manufacturing Association.

  8. Our consultants have published many leading-edge articles on ISO 9000 in publications such as the American Marketing Association (AMA) and The Informed Outlook by the International Forum for Management Systems, Inc.

  9. The Department of Engineering Professional Development (EPD) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison selects us to develop and present their seminars on Six Sigma, ISO 9000-based quality management systems, and ISO 14000.

  10. SEMATECH, the U.S. consortium of leading semiconductor manufacturers, has chosen us to provide the training on ISO 9000 to their member companies' quality assessors.

  11. We have a proven track record of hundreds of satisfied customers.

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